Filipe Freire - Homepage

Hey there! 👋
My name is Filipe,
I'm a Web Developer!

What I do

Responsive Web Design

Implementing web designs which render well on multiple devices and screen sizes, assuring their quality no matter where they're viewed.

Did you know 50% of worldwide internet usage takes place on mobile devices? [1]

Quality Front-End & Backend code

Managing the prospect of increased demand is no easy task.

Enforcing best practices regarding data structures, code readability and the use of relevant frameworks prevents code debt in the long run.

Let's face it, as much as we may love pasta, nobody likes spaghetti code ! 🍝

Website Performance Optimization

⌛ Did you know that around 1 in every 2 users leaves a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? [2]

Optimizing load times and overall performance is therefore of utmost importance to provide the best experience to users.

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